Sunday, September 14, 2014

  1. Passionate
  2. Insightful
  3. Encouraging
  4. Analytical
  5. Faith-filled
  6. Gifted Language Speaker
  7. Intelligent
I remember Sydney as a sophomore, full of amazing insights and adept writing that stayed hidden within her shy self. I remember trying to encourage her to share her great ideas, but the confidence just wasn't there yet. Then, something happened Junior year that enabled Sydney to find her voice. Although she is still a quiet student, Sydney is brimming with LIFE now. She has passions and ideas ready to articulate, and does. She knows who she is now; she's found her faith with her whole heart and has found her voice in at least two languages. She radiates warmth, positivity and encouragement. There's an undeniable light in her now, and she glows. She's an adventurer, a friend to many all over the world, she is ready to pour out love on those around her, she is confident, she is secure in her identity as His beloved daughter.

    -- thanks for the amazing affirtmation Mrs. Myers!! 
"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder."
"INFPs have the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything. Even for the most unlovable the INFP is wont to have pity."
"Their extreme depth of feeling is often hidden, even from themselves, until circumstances evoke an impassioned response."
"INFPs struggle with the issue of their own ethical perfection."
These are all quotes from INFP Description article written by Joe Butt.
They do seem like adequate descriptions of myself as I am excited and easily in wonder of things, I see the good in other people and also sympathsize with people a lot. The quote of the "extreme depth of feeling is often hidden" was a little eye opening and I realized the truth of that statement for myself because I often don't understand my own feelings until I respond to an event or circumstance. I also do somewhat struggle with self-image and I things that's what the author meant by saying "INFPS struggle with the issue of their own ethical perfection". I hold myself to a higher standard than that which I hold others to. All in all, I would agree with the personality INFP that I received from the test following the description of it and how it seems similar to my own personality. 

           Took the Myers-Briggs test and my score is as the following: 

  • Introvert 33%
  • Intuitive 12%
  • Feeling 44%
  • Perceiving 39%